An exact route

Well well well – it’s taken us a while to put together a few bits and pieces but we’re getting there. We completed the photo gallery a few months ago. Did you go and have a look? It’s pretty cool, right?

This latest installment is also very cool, hopefully it works as it’s taken me ages to figure out how to get it from a map to being embedded on here (top tip: if all else fails go watch a YouTube video!!).

It’s an interactive map so you can see our exact route (as well as we can remember it anyway), and move around the route, zooming in and out wherever you want. It’s been split by days and weeks and shows you just what an awesome shark of an adventure we had. Does the Black Sea have sharks? If you don’t know what I’m talking about, get the zoom just right and the whole route looks just like a shark.

Let us know what you think of our route. Got any pressing questions now that you can see exactly where we went? Can you see where we had to backtrack around the Russia-Ukraine conflict zone? Nothing major, just a 1500km detour!!

Another top tip, use the pop out button in the top right corner to enlarge to map so you can see the details a bit easier.

Hope you enjoy scrolling around our little adventure in another way!