Don’t waste a day!

A bit over a month ago my uncle passed away suddenly. He was a smiling, generous, life loving man and will be missed.

The reason I raise this is that it reinforced to me one of the reasons I want to do this trip. You must take your life in your own hands to do the things you want to do.

My uncle did this completely and thoroughly enjoyed his ride. So it’s made me more aware to do the same in my own way.

In the last few weeks in those moments when life is getting me down, or I don’t have the energy I’ve found myself saying “don’t waste a day” and it gives me a little boost. The beauty is it’s a self-perpetuating cycle, make yourself feel more energised and more positive and that in turn makes you feel more energised and positive.

This can be applied to things small and big, like making sure I enjoy the moments I have with my family or at work right up to making sure I seek out the adventure I crave……hence Grit and Sprit!

I’ve attached a few photos of where I was born, the West Coast, where my uncle still lived. It is a stunning place and is where I developed my love of stunning rugged country which I love to seek out through adventures.

So here’s my sign off slogan….
Don’t waste a day!